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The effect of feeding maize (Zea mays L.) husk and leucaena (Leucaena leucocephala) as a mixture or separately on the voluntary intake of maize husk was studied over a 40-day period. Ten male goats with an average weight of 15 kg were used. The maize husk intake and total dry matter intake for the two feeding methods was about the same. Thus, total dry matter intake was not affected (P<0.05) by the feeding method. There was also no significant difference (P<0.05) between the two feeding methods in the digestibility values. The data were considered to indicate that there were no significant differences in the intake of maize husk when fed in a mixture with leucaena or when offered separately but at the same time.  相似文献   
The article through the analysis and research to the effects of parity of dam and breeding date on the litter size of Inner Mongolia White cashmere goats,determine the optimal mating time of Inner Mongolia White cashmere goats,in order to improve the efficiency of reproductive.Data used were 1998 to 2013 reproductive performance records collected from the Arbas stock farm in Inner Mongolia,China.The GLM procedure of SAS 9.0 software was used to determine the significant effect of the parity of dam and breeding date,the results showed that the parity of dam and breeding date had significant effect on litter size (P< 0.01).Litter size was the lowest in 1st parity does (1.37),the significantly increase in litter size with advance in parity and decline after six parity;Mating cycles for September 29th to October 16th had the highest litter size (1.76),and the estrous months and estrus peak time mainly concentrated in October,so this stage in production could be used as breeding period of Inner Mongolia White cashmere goats.  相似文献   
【目的】 基于单细胞测序技术探究绒山羊毛乳头细胞标记基因,优化毛乳头细胞体外鉴定的方法,为研究绒山羊毛囊发生发育提供良好的细胞模型。【方法】 运用Seurat单细胞分析法分析陕北白绒山羊胚胎期60、90、120 d皮肤组织的单细胞测序数据。原始数据经质控、过滤、标准化后,采用UMAP方法进行数据降维与聚类分析。通过对比已报道的毛囊相关标记基因,获得完整绒山羊毛囊细胞类群谱系信息。通过基因差异表达分析,筛选绒山羊毛乳头细胞特异性标记基因。利用免疫荧光试验鉴定标记蛋白在绒山羊皮肤组织中的表达与分布情况,进一步筛选毛乳头区域特异性表达蛋白。体视镜下机械分离完整绒山羊毛囊,采用酶消化法分离绒山羊毛乳头区域并在体外培养至细胞分离,最终通过差速贴壁法纯化细胞。待毛乳头细胞纯度较高时,利用免疫荧光试验验证候选标记蛋白在分离细胞中的表达情况。【结果】 从单细胞水平分析了绒山羊毛囊发生过程中涉及的关键细胞转录信息,成功获得绒山羊皮肤中的17个主要细胞类群信息,鉴定出包括真皮细胞谱系、表皮细胞谱系、毛乳头细胞、毛干细胞、内根鞘细胞等绒山羊皮肤结构关键细胞类群,以及周皮细胞、巨噬细胞、肌肉细胞等其他功能细胞类群。筛选获得毛乳头细胞特异性基因427个,包括SOX2、FGF7、APOD、BMP3、HHIP、HEY2SPON1等,这些基因在绒山羊毛乳头细胞中的表达丰度远高于其他细胞类型,被认为是毛乳头细胞特异性标记基因。组织免疫荧光试验进一步证明SOX2、FGF7与APOD等蛋白在绒山羊毛乳头区域内特异性表达,可用于皮肤组织中绒山羊毛乳头细胞的定位。此外,本研究在成功分离单根绒山羊次级毛囊的基础上,实现了绒山羊毛乳头区域的贴壁培养,成功观测到大量细胞从毛乳头区域逐步迁移分离的过程。细胞免疫荧光试验结果显示SOX2、FGF7与APOD均在绒山羊毛乳头细胞中表达,且SOX2阳性细胞约占毛乳头细胞总量的76%左右,而FGF7和APOD阳性细胞则占98%以上。结合绒山羊皮肤组织免疫荧光定位结果,SOX2、FGF7与APOD等标记可用于鉴定体外分离培养的绒山羊毛乳头细胞。【结论】 利用单细胞测序技术描述了绒山羊主要皮肤细胞的转录组信息,筛选出毛乳头细胞特异性表达基因。经免疫荧光试验证实,单细胞测序鉴定标记基因的方法简单高效,且具备较高准确率。筛选的SOX2、FGF7APOD不仅为绒山羊毛乳头细胞体内定位提供了有效的标记,而且为多标记鉴定毛乳头细胞提供可能,更为进一步研究毛囊发育相关基因的功能及调控机制奠定重要基础。  相似文献   
为准确掌握舍饲养殖条件下陕西省羊梭菌病的流行和发病情况,采用实地调查和发放调查表的方式对陕北、关中、陕南等地区32 181 400只羊进行羊梭菌病的流行病学调查。结果显示,羊梭菌病发病率为0.015%~5.235%,病死率为16.970%~42.412%,陕南和关中地区发病率较高,陕北地区呈下降趋势,该病主要发生于3月-5月,羔羊和幼龄羊较易感,注射疫苗能较好地预防该病的发生,病羊的病死率与发病地区、时间、是否注射疫苗都没有显著的相关性。  相似文献   
为探讨日粮中不同枣粉添加量对陕北白绒山羊屠宰性能和肉品质的影响,选取初始体重为(20.15±1.63)kg的40只6月龄健康白绒山羊,随机分为5组,每组8只羊,分别饲喂枣粉添加量为0(对照组)、10%(Ⅰ试验组)、15%(Ⅱ试验组)、20%(Ⅲ试验组)、25%(Ⅳ试验组)的日粮,饲养试验预试期10 d,饲喂基础日粮,饲...  相似文献   
Cefquinome is a fourth‐generation cephalosporin that is used empirically in goats. Different physiologic factors like pregnancy or lactation could determine the pharmacokinetic behavior of drugs in the organism. The objectives of this study are to (a) compare the pharmacokinetics of cefquinome after intravenous and intramuscular administration in adult nonpregnant (n = 6), pregnant (n = 6), and lactating goats (n = 6), at a dose of 2 mg/kg, with rich sampling by nonlinear mixed‐effects modeling, (b) conduct a pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic analysis to evaluate the efficacy of the recommended posology in goats with different physiological states, and (c) determine the optimal posology that achieve a PTA value ≥ 90%, taking into account a T > MIC ≥ 60% of a MIC value ≤ 0.25 µg/ml, in the different subpopulations of goats for both routes. Gestation significantly increased Ka and V1, while reduced F0, Cl, and Q. On the other hand, lactation significantly increased V1 and reduced Tk0. Cefquinome concentrations achieved in placental cotyledon, amniotic fluid, and fetal serum indicate a minimal penetration across the placental barrier. Moreover, milk penetration of cefquinome was minimal. The total body clearance of cefquinome for goats was 0.29 L kg?1 hr?1, that is apparently higher than the reported for cows (0.13 L kg?1 hr?1) and pigs (0.16 L kg?1 hr?1). So, the optimal dose regimen for cefquinome after intravenous and intramuscular administration required higher dose and frequency of administration compared with recommendations for cows or pigs. Therefore, 2 mg kg?1 8 hr?1 and 5 mg kg?1 12 hr?1 could be used for IV and IM routes, respectively, for the treatment of respiratory infections caused by P. multocida and M. haemolytica, but only 5 mg kg?1 12 hr?1 by both routes should be recommended for Escherichia coli infections.  相似文献   
一个山羊Ⅰ型毛角蛋白基因的序列及其在皮肤中的表达   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
角蛋白家族包含表皮软角蛋白和毛发硬角蛋白,可以分为酸性Ⅰ型和碱性或中性的Ⅱ型角蛋白亚家族。从构建的成年山羊皮肤cDNA文库和ESTs分析中发现了和与绵羊羊毛角蛋白8C1和人Ⅰ型毛发角蛋白相应cDNA序列高度同源的序列,经序列分析证明是一个山羊毛发特异性角蛋白,命名为山羊Ⅰ型毛角蛋白1(gHa1),Gen Bank序列号为AY510110.1。推导的读码框ORF由413氨基酸组成,与绵羊8C1角蛋白的序列一致性为97.8%。原位杂交显示它在皮肤初级和次级毛囊的皮质层有强烈的表达。  相似文献   
以8只装有永久性瘤胃瘘管的成年徐淮山羊为试验动物,采用自身对照设计,研究丙酮酸钙对山羊瘤胃内挥发性脂肪酸浓度动态变化的影响。结果表明:与对照组相比,添喂丙酮酸钙后,在0~8h内,对pH值无显著影响。4h时,总挥发性脂肪酸(TVFA)浓度升高25%(P<0.01);丙酸浓度升高60%(P<0.01)。0~8h内,丙酸比例均高于对照组(17%~30%);乙丙比均低于对照组(20%~29%)。说明在山羊日粮中添加一定量丙酮酸钙,可在不影响pH值的情况下,提高丙酸比例,降低乙丙比,改变瘤胃发酵类型。  相似文献   
选育和提高陇东绒山羊的生产性能,以陇东绒山羊为试验动物,采用数量遗传学和现代繁殖新技术,在甘肃东部地区选育出陇东绒山羊专门化新品系,数量达到18 685只,其中绒长型9 632只,绒细型9 053只。新品系被毛全白,以产绒为主,绒肉兼用,两品系特一级成年公母羊产绒量分别为626.49 g、506.87 g和601.67 g、465.76 g;羊绒细度分别为15.02μm、14.82μm和14.49μm、14.25μm;羊绒伸直长度分别为90.37 mm、75.82 mm和85.41 mm、79.78 mm;春季体重两品系公母羊分别为36 kg和28 kg以上,屠宰率为47.68%,经产母羊产羔率105%。选育结果陇东绒山羊专门化品系外貌特征一致,遗传性能稳定,白色个体稳定在97.6%以上,繁殖性能良好,其中双羔率占约5%。陇东绒山羊专门化新品系具有体质结实,角型整齐,被毛全白,产绒量高,羊绒品质优良,耐粗饲,抗病力强,适应干旱环境条件等优点。  相似文献   
采用饱和蔗糖溶液漂浮法对河南省的8个地区、重庆市的云阳县和安徽省的合肥市共1126份山羊粪便样品进行检查,发现1070份球虫阳性样品,总感染率95.03%。对813份阳性样本中的球虫卵囊进行形态学鉴定,共发现12种艾美耳球虫,分别为阿普艾美耳球虫、阿氏艾美耳球虫、艾丽艾美耳球虫、斑点艾美耳球虫、苍白艾美耳球虫、家山羊艾美耳球虫、柯察艾美耳球虫、克氏艾美耳球虫、妮氏艾美耳球虫、山羊艾美耳球虫、羊艾美耳球虫和约奇艾美耳球虫。山羊最多可同时感染9种球虫,多数为2-4种,混合感染率78.7%;6月龄以下、6-12月龄和1岁以上山羊球虫感染率分别为93.3%、97.1%和96-3%,平均OPG值分别为5282.77、3550.71和1507.88;除奶山羊外,不同品种山羊球虫感染无明显差异;舍饲和放牧山羊球虫感染率分别为95.7%和92.8%,平均OPC值分别为3744.35和1028.62。跟踪调查显示,舍饲山羊球虫感染无明显季节性,但夏秋季节球虫感染强度高于冬春季节。  相似文献   
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